Sunday, January 1, 2012

Time line...

April 2010: James was on ACTH for 6 weeks and there was some improvement bit not enough for my doctor to keep him on it. He is worried about causing any heart damage. That is one good thing about James, his heart is in good shape for the most part.

July 2010: James is on 3 anti-seizure meds... Keppra, Clonzapam and Topamax... we will see how it goes, for now he is just sleeping so much.

Oct 2010: James is on 4 meds... Keppra, Clozapam, Topamax and now Sabril!!

Nov, 2010: James is off Sabril & Keppra... next to try is Banzel (when James feels better)

August 29th, 2010: JAMES TURNS 1!!!

Sept 2010: James was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy

May 2011: James is still having seizures like craZy so we started him the ketogenic diet ( to see if it will help. He has been on it for almost 2 months, and we do not see much change, he is actually gotten worst. We will give it a few more months, and if this does not work we look into something else... maybe a VNS (

August 2011, JAMES TURNED 2!! We bought a house, no more 2nd floor condo with 15 stairs. We are now in a ranch house.

October 2011: The diet did not work, James lost 6lbs. We are back to Pediasure and upped one of his meds

January 2012: Seizure monster has been showing his face less. We are in the works of getting a stroller/wheel chair for James. Once we get a chair, I will have to figure out how we are going to get around to doc appointments. I am unsure if the chair collapse or not. Only time will tell :0)