Friday, January 25, 2013


My Facebook friend Patti Vasquez did such a wonderful thing for our family.  She was on the Steve Cochran show Thursday (AM 560) to talk about an upcoming show she will be performing locally.  While on the air she spoke about James.  Here the audio clip in the background of James video. 

Here is what she wrote on her Facebook page: Thank you Steve Cochran for having me on 560 AM today. For those of you who missed it we talked about Stacy and her wonderful son James. To learn more and make a donation please visit :

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sick... still???

James is STILL SICK!!! can't this kid catch a break.  Started school after Labor Day and then came down with something after his surgery at the end of September.  October 5th he started to get really sick but we kept him home and handled it at home, no hospital stays... WELL the dreaded November comes along and BOOM James has pneumonia and we are in the hospital for a little less than a week.  We kept him home from school for weeks and then decided after winter break we will keep him home till March 4th because of cold and flu season.  I am not sure if it is Jeff coming and going from work or what but this kid is STILL really juicy and snotty!!  We might have a good day here and there when I think things will be taking a turn for the good and the next day junky monkey again!!! 


But how can you NOT LOVE on this little man!!!