Thursday, March 5, 2015

Welcome 2015 with a bang!

James started 2015 on a rough note!!  January 2nd we were admitted into the hospital for 2 weeks because of GI issues.  He got a bug December 24th and it slowed his system down.  James intestines were not letting food pass and it was just sitting in his stomach.  He was backed up for several days so we went to get a bowel rest.  They pretty much hooked his long tube to his belly and just drained EVERYTHING from his stomach over a course of a week.  After a week of rest we were able to start giving him food again via gtube.  January 15th we were release to go back home and slowly feed him. 

Valentine's Day He was finally back to full feeds over 45 minutes like he was before he got sick.  THANK goodness because it was hard to feed him over 3 hours before, during and after school!!

Besides that little bump in the road, James health has been good!! Knock on wood!!!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

On a ROLL....

Today we had a meeting about putting on a fundraiser event for James in April 2014... look out for Rollin for James to come to the NW burbs in 2014.... stay tuned!!